

Provide a general summary of the services you provide, highlighting key features and benefits for potential clients.

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
Nutrologia pediátrica

Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.

Hebiatria - Adolescentes

Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.

Consulta pediátrica

Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.


Anxiety disorder manifests in feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness, accompanied by sweatiness, restlessness, tension, and rapid heartbeat.

While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, people who suffer from anxiety disorder may find the physical and mental symptoms overwhelming to the extent that they can't manage their life day-to-day.

When should I call?

Your anxiety affects your daily life.

Your health is suffering from repeat anxiety attacks.

You're unable to talk to your loved ones about your anxiety.

You want to understand what causes your anxiety.

● You want to learn how to control your anxiety better.

Dra. Nathalia Resende Vaz

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